This year's show theme, "Beyond the Hustle and Bustle," focuses on creating havens of escapism, wellness, and serenity for your guests. Discover innovative ideas and cutting-edge products and services to transform your hotel into an oasis of calm. Explore how to prioritise operational efficiency and guest wellbeing, fostering a sense of escape from the everyday.
The show is your chance to:
- Break free from routine: Find inspiration and resources to elevate your guest experience beyond the ordinary. Get ready for a two-day product exploration and meet the suppliers revolutionising the hotel sector.
- Embrace new possibilities: Network with industry leaders and discover fresh approaches to escapism, wellness, and guest pampering.
- Craft your sanctuary: Explore design trends, technology solutions, and sustainable practices to cultivate a haven of peace for your guests.
We spoke to two leading industry experts Dean Culpin, General manager, South Place Hotel and Sama Trinder Founder/CEO, Bingham Riverhouse and Bhuti Motivational Speaker about what the theme means to them and visited their gorgeous hotels and wellness facilities.