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Veryan Palmer

Veryan Palmer

Director, Headland Hotel Cornwall
Veryan Palmer, Director at the iconic Headland Hotel, Cornwall, has grown up in the independent hotel industry, with her family owning The Headland for the last 43 years. She started her career at The Goring, before progressing through senior operations roles at Cliveden House and The University of Oxford. A huge believer in the ability and skills of young people, Veryan set up a young person placement scheme for 14 to 16 year olds, achieving a 91% retention rate into part time roles following the annual placement schemes concluding each September. She is a champion of everything that makes independent hotels the magical and inspirational places they so often are!

Registration for IHS24 is open!

Independent Hotel Show London is back for 2024 and we are delighted to invite you on 15-16 October 2024 to experience two days of insightful content, learning, new product discovery and plenty of all-important networking opportunities with your peers.  

Register today