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Michael Grove

Michael Grove

CEO, HotStats

Michael is Chief Executive Officer at Hotstats. Hotstats provides monthly P&L benchmarking & market Insight for the hotel industry. Collecting monthly detailed financial data from hotels worldwide from over 100 brands and independent hotels, Hotstats provides over 550 different KPIs covering all operating revenues, payroll, expenses, cost of sales, and ultimately departmental and total hotel profitability.

Prior to joining Hotstats, Michael held multiple operational & financial roles at hotel and corporate levels, for over 16 years and is a regular guest lecturer at universities & hotel schools around the world.


Registration for IHS24 is open!

Independent Hotel Show London is back for 2024 and we are delighted to invite you on 15-16 October 2024 to experience two days of insightful content, learning, new product discovery and plenty of all-important networking opportunities with your peers.  

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