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Jonny Siberry

Jonny Siberry

Group Revenue Officer, Sarova Hotels

Over 30 years running hotels, with experience in both Rooms and Food & Beverage. Jon obtained a degree in Hotel Management in Bermuda in the early 90’s. Then after many years in hotels around the world from 2 to 5 stars, he now holds the role of Group Revenue Manager for Sarova Hotels, and also Director at SDK Consulting. At Sarova, he supports and co-ordinates Revenue Managers in four UK hotels, responsible for Distribution, RM Technology, Rate Strategy, Business Analysis and Strategic Planning. He runs the Central Reservations and Central Events departments and also works together with the E-Commerce and Marketing departments as part of the overall Commercial Team. At SDK Consulting, they offer a comprehensive range of Revenue Management Solutions and services to help hoteliers keep a very close eye on their financial performance, quality and service delivery across all departments.


Registration for IHS24 is open!

Independent Hotel Show London is back for 2024 and we are delighted to invite you on 15-16 October 2024 to experience two days of insightful content, learning, new product discovery and plenty of all-important networking opportunities with your peers.  

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