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Christa Seeberger

Christa Seeberger

CMO, eviivo
Having worked as a marketeer in several varying industries and companies over the last 20 years including EDF Energy, Royal Mail, Deutsche Telekom, Accenture, Accruent and more, she is now excited to take on the world of hospitality software at eviivo. Her top 3 mantra’s in life:
“Never stop learning” - Continuous learning and sharing that learning to help others develop. 
“Love data” - Using data to tell a compelling story that impacts strategic growth.
“Be gritty” - If you believe in something, never give up. Pick yourself up and try again.


Registration for IHS24 is open!

Independent Hotel Show London is back for 2024 and we are delighted to invite you on 15-16 October 2024 to experience two days of insightful content, learning, new product discovery and plenty of all-important networking opportunities with your peers.  

Register today